International Debate Competition Valencia

The International Debate Competition Valencia (IDCV) is an excellent opportunity to improve your communication and debate skills with teams to all over Europe from 16 to 18 years old.


The International Debate Competition Valencia (IDCV) is aimed to students between the ages of 16 and 18. It will take place in ESIC Business and Marketing School Valencia (Spain) on February 17th, 18th and 19th, 2023. We are organizing the tournament in cooperation with  the Slovenian national debate organization Za in proti, zavod za kulturo dialoga,  Rok Hafner as chief adjudicator, Ivan Koruza as tab master, Bojana Skrt as a consultant.  

The debate motions of the tournament are:

“This house believes that the European Union should ban Pegasus and similar software”

“This house regrets the rise of the gig economy (e.g. Grab, Uber, AirBnB, …”). 

The registration fee to participate in IDCV is 40€. The registration fee covers lunches and dinners during the tournament schedule and other tournament expenses.

torneo debate

Format and structure

The tournament’s debate format will be the World School Debate. You can check all the information of the IDCV in the following link. 

The teams will hold five debates throughout the tournament.

 The tournament will be power paired using the usual tabbing computer software system. After a first debate where the pairings are decided by draw, the teams face each other by levels based on the victories and points achieved in the debates. 

Registration Stages

Registration stage 1 starts on November 1th, 2022, and ends on November 30th 2022. 


During this stage, registration leaders are required to submit registration form.

During Stage 2, delegation leaders will have to submit delegation details, including all debaters, judges, and their judging experience.


A delegation’s registration is complete once all relevant information is submitted.


The stage 2 deadline is December 15th, 2022.


The IDCV features five preliminary rounds followed by quarterfinals, semifinals, and the Grand Final.

The preliminary rounds will feature two impromptu and two prepared motions (each team will debate the proposition side in one and the opposition side in the following round or vice versa).

Prepared motions will be announced by mid-December 2022.

The tournament’s maximum capacity is 32 teams. 

Relevancia de la información presentada

Tentative schedule

Friday 17th of February

13:30 Reception teams

15:00 Tournament opening

15:30 Round 1 – Prepared

18:00 Round 2 – Impromptu

20:30 Welcome dinner

Saturday 18th of February

09:00 Round 3 – Prepared

11:30 Break

12:00 Round 4 – Impromptu

14:30 Lunch

15:30 Round 5 – Prepared

18:00 Break

18:30 Quarterfinals

21:00 Dinner

Sunday 19th of February

9:00 Semifinals – Impromptu

11:30 break

12:00 Grand Final – Prepared

14:30 Tournament closing

15:00 Lunch

Rules and fees

creatividad web parte derecha

The registration fee for IDC 2023 is 40€ per debater. The registration fee covers lunches and dinners during the tournament schedule and other tournament expenses. Teams should make their own reservations and payment directly to hotels. 

Debaters must be between 16 and 18 years old at the time of the tournament.

Teams can have 3 to 5 members.

Judges must be at least 18 years old and have completed secondary-level education by the start of the tournament.

N=1 rule applies, i.e. every delegation is required to register as many judges as there are teams.

For delegations consisting of a single team and unable to provide a judge, an additional fee of 50€ applies.

Once you complete Stage 2 registration, please allow for up to 48 hours for your invoice containing your fees and payment instructions to be issued.

In case there will be more teams registered as we can accept we will make the selection on the basis of date of registration and  diversity, following the principle to have as many countries as possible represented.

Where to stay

We have reached an agreement with some hotels in Valencia. When teams register for the tournament, we will send a link and a special code to book the following hotels at this special price: 

Hotel Olympia Universidades ***

Prices per room and night (breakfast not included):

  • Single room: 57€÷night
  • Double room: 57€/night
  • Triple room: 77€/night

Prices per room and night (breakfast included):

  • Single room: 62€/night
  • Double room: 68€/night
  • Triple room: 98€/night


Prices per room and night (breakfast not included):

  • Single room: 66€/night
  • Double room: 66€/night
  • Triple room: 98€/night

Prices per room and night (breakfast included):

  • Single room: 72€÷night
  • Double room: 80€/night
  • Triple room: 116€/night

Participating teams in this first edition

Testimonials participating teams previous editions

Lucas Fernández
Lucas Fernández
Colegio Heidelberg
Muchas gracias por todo. Ha sido muy divertido y para los chicos una grandísima experiencia!.
Carlos Tomás Cañadilla
Carlos Tomás Cañadilla
Colegio Dominicos Valencia
¡Muchísimas gracias por todo! Nos vamos encantados y con el deseo de participar en futuros torneos.
María Navarro
María Navarro
Colegio Torrenova
Ha sido una experiencia inolvidable para el equipo, ¡Hasta el próximo torneo!
Angélica Crespo
Angélica Crespo
Angélica Crespo, IES Fray Ignacio Barrachina
¡Los chicos han disfrutado y aprendido muchísimo!
Marga Cámara
Marga CámaraColegio Agustinos Alicante
Muchas gracias. Hemos disfrutado mucho.
Cristina Lavedac
Cristina LavedacMaristas Alicante
Muchas gracias!!!! Ha sido muy bonita experiencia

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